GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

Presentation: "Cross Platform Mobile Fishbowl"

Track: Mobile: Apple Watch & Cross Platform / Time: Tuesday 17:00 - 17:50 / Location: Christiansborg
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Mike James, Xamarin Evangelist

Mike James

Biography: Mike James

The most recent addition to the Developer Evangelism team at Xamarin, Mike previously worked within the support department. Before joining Xamarin he worked within the entertainment control industry developing control systems for installations such as the London Eye. His passion grew for mobile when he was tasked with developing mobile apps for site engineers to control the lighting on these installations.

Currently Mike is responsible for engaging with the community in Europe and takes great pleasure in having the opportunity to meet customers face to face and present new technologies to them. Mike lives in the UK and enjoys music production, running and his Xbox One. 

Niels Sthen Hansen, Systems Architect at Trifork

Niels Sthen Hansen

Biography: Niels Sthen Hansen

I have been working professionally with software for 10 years and have had the good fortune to be with Trifork since 2008. I work as a consultant and spend most of my time on design and implementation of software for our customers. My main focus is Java technology - and I am quite excited about the Android platform and the possibilities it offers.

Software Passion: Software is about technology and software is also about people - we model our organisations, our work processes and even interpersonal relations in software. Creating software means being in the middle of all this, charged with the immense responsibility of helping other people to achieve their goals. Software is passion; we are changing the world a little bit every day with lines of code.
